This is the 10th video in my on going bi-weekly blog video series! what is "Paul Filek" a biker? a ninja? a good friend? a gymnast? or does he just like hot chicks? or is he actually a musician.. well hes actually a musician from the greatest country in the world.. CANADA please check out his official site to hear the great music yourself! and while youre at it check him out and grab some tunes off of itunes, or stay tuned because on the 1st and 15th of every month a new video will be posted.. the 1st will be a goofy promo videoo such as this one.. and the 15th will actually be music related.. a new song, cover song, tv interview, and many more fun things! Длительность: 1:35
Скриншоты к видео Does Paul Filek Really Like hot girls in bikinis?
Gran Turismo 5 Seasonal Events Drift Trial No1. @ Tsukuba Using DFGT and a Buick Special '62 8Th On Online Ranking PSN ID : the_kingb_ !! A MUST SEE special THanks to my cousin for uploading this video for me :D Settings : DFGT steering:simulation ,power steering:on, FFB:10 LSD in t 30, acc 60, dec 60 Susp (setting front/rear) ride height -max/-max (lower all the car down) stiffness most soft/most hard dampers (comp and decomp) rates 10/1 anti-roll max/max camber -10/-10 toe +max/-max Gears - depends on the car's power but the idea is to choose the longest gear ratios possible that your car can drift with so that your engine will not reach the cut-off state too quickly when you are Drifting Длительность: 1:27
Скриншоты к видео Gran Turismo 5 - Drifting 831hp buick special 62' @ Tsukuba
(telecast date 29th November, 2010) In this media bashing episode - Sumeet tries to watch TV for a few hours and comes back haunted and feeling persecuted, not to mention with a serious medical problem. No wonder he takes off like a space rocket on all the leading channels. Jay Hind! presents a show that is actually worse than Raakhi Ka Insaaf. Welcome to the deadly justice of Jhanki. Jhanki ka Insaaf. Followed by Sumeet's Miraculous Prophecies come true on Pamela Anderson & Conan O' Brien. Finally it is time to rev up the nonsense with Muljim Shayar and his bete noir rowdy boy and some hilarious advice from Sumeet on what to do about unseasonal winter rain. Enjoy now & follow us ontwitter for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 1: Comedy Show Jay Hind! Indian TV Channels - What The Hell Is Going On? Jay Hind! Episode 132 : Segment 1 - Sumeet tries to watch Tv for a few hours and comes back haunted and feeling persecuted, not to mention with a serious medical problem. No wonder he takes off like a space rocket on all the leading channels. Keep laughing & follow us on twitter for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 2 : Comedy Show Jay Hind! Worse than Rakhi Ka Insaaf Jay Hind! Episode 132 : Segment 2 - Jay Hind! presents a show that is actually worse than Raakhi Ka Insaaf. Welcome to the deadly justice of Jhanki. Jhanki ka Insaaf. Also find out why the new Kutchh based show on <b>...</b> Длительность: 27:55
Скриншоты к видео Comedy Show Jay Hind! Episode 132 : Media Mayhem
Jay Hind! Episode 132 : Segment 3 - Sumeet's stand up comedy is not only funny but weirdly prophetic. Sumeet said Conan will learn hindi and come to india and it has happened. Sumeet said Pamela Anderson will do the same and both these predictions that he made last year have now come true. What have been his other predictions? For more sexy, crazy humor - follow us on twitter for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Длительность: 4:27
Скриншоты к видео Comedy Show Jay Hind! Miracle Prophecies of Sumeet Raghavan