Als voorloper op het nieuwe album is op 18 januari 2012 het door Jan Smit geschreven, 'De Nacht Voorbij' als eerste single uitgekomen! Gerard is hier dan ook echt bijzonder blij mee en het is ook nog eens een heel leuk en vrolijk liedje. Samen met 100%NL Magazine doen we een super leuke actie! Download nu mijn nieuwe single en maak kans op een avondje schaatsen met mij! Na het schaatsen doen we natuurlijk nog een lekker hapje en drankje bij restaurant 'Volle Maan' in Leidschendam. Kijk op de website voor meer informatie: Длительность: 3:50
Скриншоты к видео Gerard Joling - De Nacht Voorbij (offici
Part two Our day out at Malibu Beach. It was a really nice hot day and there were some great views :) Best Viewed in High Quality Hope ya'll enjoy :) Please visit and sub Aleisha :) Длительность: 7:57
Скриншоты к видео Malibu Beach California - Part one
Teen 'Pamela Anderson' revamps look, life . by Lily Jang /KHOU 11 News Posted on August 2, 2012 at 10:16 AM HOUSTON TEXAS—A teenager who was obsessed with looking like a celebrity centerfold model Pamela Anderson originally decided to go under the knife to try and accomplish her goal. Sha Ross got various plastic surgery procedures including breast augmentation, lip injections and liposuction under her chin. Now, at age 28, she is revamping herself again -- inside and out with help from Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose. Lily Jang shares her story in this video and interview. To read the story please visit: For more information on Dr. Franklin Rose please visit our website: Длительность: 3:12
Скриншоты к видео Teen 'Pamela Anderson' revamps look, life with help from Dr. Franklin Rose
Loud Tour: Rihanna lap dance to a female fan Loud Tour: Rihanna lap dance to a female fan Loud Tour: Rihanna lap dance to a female fan Длительность: 0:55
Скриншоты к видео Rihanna Gives Fan A Lap Dance! *WorldStarOfficial*
Hey guys my name is killerteddy and I am here to welcome you to join the best online experience yet! My gaming community started out small with a small minecraft server. As more and more players donated my minecraft server got big and i had left over donations. With the left over donations i decided to buy a runescape server on a vps. The runescape server is a pvp server with pvp points and with all the fun of killing your friends and adventuring. Maybe you get bored of runescape? Not to worry we have more games to offer if you get bored! The runescape server itself is by far better then any other i have seen as it is indeed made by me. Check us out at It doesnt end there! Want to use voice chat with your friends? Well now you can because we have ventrilo! So quit joining those crap servers made by 12 year olds and join the online sensation today! If you make a video you get 10 mil free or 70pk points! Длительность: 2:24
Скриншоты к видео Chaotic United Runescape PvP 24/7 Dedicated Private Server
This is the second Blog Critique where I go through and make suggestions on how the blog's content, marketing, SEO, etc. can be improved. In this video I talk about: - the importance of wording on your About Us page - why Pamela Anderson's boobs shouldn't be on this site - why Adsense might not be a good idea - how to use emotion to get subscribers - why color is important on your About Us page photos If you would like to have your blog critiqued by the Blog Tyrant please make sure you subscribe by email as I only announce the entry method to those subscribers. You can sign up here: Длительность: 12:44
Скриншоты к видео Blog Tyrant Blog Critique #2 - Landlord Rescue