Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. Transcribed and Arranged for Guitar/Violin by Keith/Maltinsky. Please note that we claim no ownership of the original work or composition, only the transcription provided to the arrangement above. Длительность: 6:44
Скриншоты к видео Nothing Else Matters Metallica Beth Dust Duet
Welcome to part 4 of my VIP playthrough on PS2. The targeting system is really starting to get on my nerves now, so expect the odd rage outburst here and there :D! Thanks for watching and please comment, rate and subscribe! Coolio :)! Длительность: 11:39
this is rare, and a first for me, putting together snippets of my random videos while im at work and layering commentary, but i wanted to share a little bit of what it can be like on the set and what is behind the glamorous end resulting picture. there is a LOT of prep work behind every image, and though things can change on a dime, they are crafted and carved out down to each minute detail of perfection. the whole team keeps things on track and he works with people who understand his sensibilities and can make it happen, even under very trying circumstances. as you can see, there's no room to be a diva, its just about making it happen. pamela anderson didnt say a word about being uncomfortable even though it must have been terrible uncomfortable naked on the metal table she was on. styled by the fab Avo Yermagyan, whom i forgot to tag in there! i think that may be him on the vid screen for the still shot of 'Game of Death' though! share my unique experiences in the entertainment world, ask me a question and i'll answer on video, buy my music at or follow me anywhere on the sites below!... Длительность: 8:30
Скриншоты к видео On Set With Kevin - for David Lachapelle
More Celebrity Sex Dolls, Would you be upset if there was a sex doll of You? Comment Below. 12. Lindsay Lohan 11. Eva Longoria Parker 10. JLo 09. Pamela Anderson 08. Jessica Simpson 07. Daisy Dukes (Jessica Simpson) 06. GI Jane (Demi Moore) 05. Jessica Sin 04. Tori Spelling 03. Christina Aguilera 02. Paris Hilton 01. Sarah Palin Link: Story: Original Video: Длительность: 3:45