Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 1:24
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO VAL #2 INTERVIEW WEEK 8 Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam Promo 11-13-12
Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 6:16
Скриншоты к видео Long Version w Scores KELLY MONACO VAL WEEK 8 VIENNESE WALTZ 11-12-12 Incl. Behind The Scenes GH Sam
Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 4:18
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO VAL WK 6 INTERVIEW Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam McCall DWTS 10-30-12
Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 0:25
Скриншоты к видео FUNNY GANGNAM STYLE TEAM REHEARSAL Dancing With The Stars Kelly Monaco GH Sam Gilles Kirstie Emmitt
Related: Home Additions and Renovation Projects: Where to Begin: Bob and the interior designer, Robyn, take a final tour of the finished California-Spanish dream house, complete with breathtaking finishes and furniture. From the tiled courtyard-- with palms and a fountain-- to the antiqued woodwork and spectacular ocean views, a surprise visit from Pamela Anderson makes this an episode sure to knock your socks off! Длительность: 20:38
Скриншоты к видео Final House Tour - Malibu, CA Beach House - Bob Vila eps.713
'Like' me on Facebook: How to look like a bombshell, for those days when you just wanna feel SEXY :) Royalty Free Music by Kevin MacLeod Длительность: 5:54
Le immagini non sono mie le ho prese da JayTee-FAArtist. La musica e di Ivan Ives - Sex Object. quindi i diritti della canzone sono i suoi . guardate anche il sito di JayTee-FAArtist ( ciao a tutti Длительность: 1:12 http Sleeping Solo was put together with one day of Pre production one day of production, and 1week post. We work fast... I hope you enjoy it, Sleeping Solo is a shout out to all those in our military around the world that have had to endure this type of relationship, waiting for loved ones and not being sure if they are coming back. War can be a very sad situation that keeps people from being together, yet helps people have the chance to be together. It's a two edged sword we live by, I wish it wasn't this way.. My splendid counter part was played by the young and beautiful Actress Ashley Salazar. She was actually in the military, so this was a very organic video, when I found that out the show came together very naturally, as that was her actually uniform. We had help from a British movie maker named Jon Nash And of course Jay Kelley directed and photographed the video with his company Dream Welder Productions,, thanks Jay. I am very grateful to them for there work.. Длительность: 3:38