so yes here is the lightning vlog which i have decided to edit it throughly and try to find as many jokes as i possibly could...give some feedback whether you like the new way i edit or some new tips of what i should do which will most definitally come in handy...thanks for being a AWESOME If you couldn't understand me vlogging which is completely understandable here are the channels that commented a question/suggestion 1. norsusie22 2.bublylikesprite 3.kamelBackk 4. xDarezDevil 5. MezNBez101 REMEMBER that if you have a question or suggestion for me please comment below and ill probably answer it as best as i can which would probably turn into this mindless ramble Ifanyone has a suggestion for me or just wants to tell me anything, please personal message my channel under the subscription box where i will message you back =) Hey check out my twitter!!! (that i have now started using) Check out my new facebook page Длительность: 4:16
Скриншоты к видео Learning How To Dougie - Lightning Vlog
Pam Anderson is being sued for allegedly ruining a big money real estate project in Las Vegas. Apparently, Pam has more impact than mortgage rates and the economy. Длительность: 1:01
Скриншоты к видео Pam Anderson Sued for Vegas Building Failure
On the "red rug" with bad boy recording artists 112 at the apos;01 MTV VMAapos;s. Watch as 112 makes their way through all of the mayhem before the awards show. We also catch a glimpse of Busta Rhymes, Mark Walberg, Russell Simmons, OutKast, Eve, Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson. Длительность: 3:59
FRENCH TV SHOW ''Les Anges de la tele realite''. Produced By 'La grosse equipe'', NRJ12 Channel & 400 Blows Production in Los Angeles. The first two seasons were a great success in France. They were produced in LA and Miami and the third season will be produced in NYC. Pamela Anderson, Craig david & Coolio were special guest stars in Miami. This TV show became number one on the cable TV in France. The channel is link to one of the biggest radio station in France called NRJ. Длительность: 1:56
Part 2: Hawk plants the photo of Jack and Cindy amongst Jennifer's copy for her news report. Jack arrives at the studio but Jennifer doesn't want to talk to him. She goes on the air and starts her report. When she discovers the photos she loses it and makes her report more personal than it should be. After the show ends she confronts a stunned Jack with the photos and tells him not to come home. Jack says he's innocent. Next day Jack returns home and Jennifer is more understanding - she has met Cindy who explained that nothing happened. Jack ushers her out the door and is forced to explain what's really going on.. Длительность: 8:12
Скриншоты к видео Jack & Jennifer - Jack's "affair" 1992 (Part 2)
In an attempt to expose Hawk as a conman, Jack pretends to have an affair with Cindy (played by Pamela Anderson in one of her first acting roles) who he met while they worked together while Jack was on the run. Part 1: Jack is trying to get back into Jennifer's good books and there is a moment between them before Jack realises it's time to set his plan in motion. Jack is in a motel room making out with Cindy. Hawk spies them through the window and runs off to get his camera. Jack realises his plan is working and pays Cindy for her part in the act. She decides she doesn't want Jack's money and drags him to the bed where they are kissing when Hawk returns to take pictures. Later Jack returns home and finds lipstick on his collar. He removes his shirt and hides it from Jennifer. Jack declares he's going to win her back. After Jack leaves Jennifer finds the shirt and confronts Jack at the spectator. He makes up a story about how an older co-worker kissed him and left the lipstick on the shirt. Длительность: 9:10
Скриншоты к видео Jack & Jennifer - Jack's "affair" 1992 (Part 1)
Turned out great!!! :) Pamela and Chase: Charmedp3f Damon and Elena: Juter0208 Booth and Brennan: purplecait Chuck and Blair: lalachik Cole and Phoebe: JasamAreSoulmates Derek and Meredith: Ineffable4life Cappie and Casey: JennyBugz0213 Chuck and Sarah: Juter0208 Длительность: 4:22
Enjoy a historical view on Apple, Microsoft, Nasa, CNN, Michael Jackson, Whitehouse, ATT&T, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Nike, FBI, CIA, Lady Di, Mc Donalds, Google, Boris Yelzin, Baywatch, Backstreet Boys, Queen Elisabeth and others ... All researched, selected and arranged by myself. If you fellow Youtubers demand more - I will deliver additional stuff ;-) Длительность: 1:42
D&AD Winner Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO in the category Ambient. Our idea was to prove Walkers can make any sandwich more exciting, even the town of Sandwich, Kent. Through a series of surprise events, we turned the sleepy town of Sandwich into the most exciting town in Britain. Each event featured a celebrity: JLS took the sixth form college assembly; Frank Lampard coached the college football team; Jenson Button got behind the wheel of a black cab; Marco Pierre White sold gourmet sandwiches from a market stall; and Pamela Anderson pulled pints at the local pub while Al Murray hosted the quiz. There was something for everyone. Длительность: 2:01
Скриншоты к видео Walkers - Ambient "Sandwich" Case Study