Pamela Anderson u Kuci Djure Jaksica u Beogradu ПАМЕЛА У предвечерје шездесетог дана комшија Зоран и ја играли смо шах и мучили малог Мишка да гледа и учи Бејасмо у трећој партији у дамин гамбит удубљени и на рат скоро заборавили кад заарлаукаше сирене У афекту викнух кроз прозор СВЕ ВАМ НА СВЕТУ Мали Мишко на то ће мени Немој само Памелу Зоран наравно рече И ТАТА БИ СИНЕ. Срђан Опачић, 1999.г. Длительность: 1:05
Скриншоты к видео Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine...
Pierre knows swimming. He will explain why there are so many swimming events and in doing so he will tell you everything about the history of swimming. You will meet Flying Gull the mysterious Native American and you will learn why he was responsible for the incredible success of Michael Phelps in Beijing. Длительность: 4:11
Скриншоты к видео Do you know why there are so many swimming events?
Turned out great!!! :) Pamela and Chase: Charmedp3f Damon and Elena: Juter0208 Booth and Brennan: purplecait Chuck and Blair: lalachik Cole and Phoebe: JasamAreSoulmates Derek and Meredith: Ineffable4life Cappie and Casey: JennyBugz0213 Chuck and Sarah: Juter0208 Длительность: 4:22
Perfect One-Dish Dinners opens the door to a whole new way of entertaining — the one-dish solution. Whether it's for a Sunday family supper, potluck dinner, house party, or holiday meal, Pam presents the ultimate in ease and simplicity, even as she dramatically expands the range of one-dish possibilities, with efficient, streamlining techniques. Длительность: 3:27
Скриншоты к видео Perfect One Dish Dinners: Pam Anderson and Three Many Cooks