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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Памела андерсон в москве. Показать все сообщения

четверг, 22 ноября 2012 г.

вторник, 30 октября 2012 г.

WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11

WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11Pls subscribe to www.youtube.com Vote online from any country using this link: bit.ly Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: on.fb.me (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo...
Длительность: 3:26

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WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11
Видео WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11 Video WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11 WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11

понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

WATCH & VOTE FOR KELLY MONACO VAL Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS 10-8-12 Jason

WATCH & VOTE FOR KELLY MONACO VAL Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS 10-8-12 JasonPls subscribe to www.youtube.com Vote online from any country using this link: bit.ly Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: on.fb.me (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo...
Длительность: 0:28

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WATCH & VOTE FOR KELLY MONACO VAL Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS 10-8-12 Jason
Видео WATCH & VOTE FOR KELLY MONACO VAL Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS 10-8-12 Jason Video WATCH & VOTE FOR KELLY MONACO VAL Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS 10-8-12 Jason WATCH & VOTE FOR KELLY MONACO VAL Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS 10-8-12 Jason

среда, 5 сентября 2012 г.

Review Recensione Pompetta per Bocca Risultati

Review Recensione Pompetta per Bocca Risultatiecco dopo 2 settimane cosa e' successo... lo so'.... pamela anderson mi fa un baffo :-) hahahaha per i voti questa e' una tabella che ho creato per riuscir a valutare i prodotti:-): 10 : ottimo nessun difetto 9 ottimo con qualche ma.. 8 buonissimo 7 prodotto valido 6 discreto si salva per il rotto della cuffia 5 non va bene prodotto poco valido 4 non ci siamo prorpio per niente 3
Длительность: 2:41

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Review Recensione Pompetta per Bocca Risultati
Видео Review Recensione Pompetta per Bocca Risultati Video Review Recensione Pompetta per Bocca Risultati Review Recensione Pompetta per Bocca Risultati

понедельник, 16 января 2012 г.

Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine...

Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine...Pamela Anderson u Kuci Djure Jaksica u Beogradu ПАМЕЛА У предвечерје шездесетог дана комшија Зоран и ја играли смо шах и мучили малог Мишка да гледа и учи Бејасмо у трећој партији у дамин гамбит удубљени и на рат скоро заборавили кад заарлаукаше сирене У афекту викнух кроз прозор СВЕ ВАМ НА СВЕТУ Мали Мишко на то ће мени Немој само Памелу Зоран наравно рече И ТАТА БИ СИНЕ. Срђан Опачић, 1999.г.
Длительность: 1:05

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Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine...
Видео Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine... Video Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine... Pamela Anderson - i tata bi sine...

понедельник, 5 декабря 2011 г.

Bronx Christmas House - BEST VIDEO

Bronx Christmas House - BEST VIDEOCan you guess the celebrities? Roughly in order they are Beauty & the Beast, Michael Jackson, Joan Collins, Elizabeth Taylor, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Angelina Jolie, Bridget Bardot, Vivian Leigh, Pamela Anderson, Grace Kelly, Cinderella, Gene Tierney, Superman & Lois Lane, Santa, Audrey Hepburn, Diana Ross, Jane Russell. This is one of the best Christmas decorations in the NYC area for a private home and is known as the Christmas House, 1605 Pelham Parkway North, Bronx, NY. On display are nearly 200 animated figurines and mannequins of celebrities, fairy tale characters and Christmas characters in lavish handmade costumes. It is the home of the Garabedian family who are in the dress-making business. Thousands of people flock to see this display every December, which costs $10000 just in electricity to operate for the month. Every night the mannequins are taken indoors and set back up the next morning.
Длительность: 9:30

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Bronx Christmas House - BEST VIDEO
Видео Bronx Christmas House - BEST VIDEO Video Bronx Christmas House - BEST VIDEO Bronx Christmas House - BEST VIDEO