My baby duckling of 3 1/2 weeks says hello to Billie Perry and Joe Perry -- my virtual neighbors in Sarasota, Florida and good luck on the Aerosmith Global Warming Tour of 2012. ( And yes, many apologies for the sensitive people out there who are wondering what the heck is at the bottom of the pool. Most of it's lettuce, some of it not. Ruuh roo. I'm not a film editor, just a dork with an iPhone. If I could buy a duck cork I would consider it, but I think PETA would take me down town for a good slap down by Pamela Anderson, and I really honestly don't know how to diaper a duck. However I admit I did buy premature baby diapers at the local evil giant Walmart-China-SellsUsJunkus. Rest assured no animals were harmed in the filming of this exciting documentary. Длительность: 1:47
Скриншоты к видео Kukla wishes Aerosmith Good Luck on the Global Warming Tour!
Niemand kann ernsthaft leugnen, oder zumindest nicht lange, dass der Mensch alles tut, um diese Grausamkeit zu verbergen oder vor sich selbst zu verstecken, um auf der ganzen Welt daf Длительность: 12:20
Скриншоты к видео Skin Trade India- Narrated by Pamela Anderson (Peta) Check the Minecraft world map at http Painstakingly crafted by hand by one of our moderators! EACH BLOCK WAS PLACED BY HAND! Длительность: 2:12