In the July, 2012 edition of Coffee Talk, the Product Portfolio Mavens, Pamela Soin of Kalypso and Carrie Nauyalis of Planview, come to you from Pamela's home town of New York City. The Mavens debate the merits of a recent Wall Street Journal article on innovation, discuss upcoming trends including social product innovation and the development of portfolio processes and tools at the same time, and highlight today's hot metrics in product portfolio management. Let the Mavens be your guide! Help us pick the location for next month's Coffee Talk, and submit your comments and questions to Pamela and Carrie. Who knows, you might get mentioned by the Mavens! Submit your feedback at Длительность: 6:29
Скриншоты к видео Coffee Talk with the Product Portfolio Mavens
This is the boat i converted to suit my needs for a rescue mission on my Mystic 29 lol, hopefully i never have to use it for that, in the meantime the wifey drives it around since its kinda low powered and safe around shallow waters haha. I`ll film a mock-rescue soon so check back, like or subscribe. Thanks for watching. Длительность: 3:57
Скриншоты к видео Rescue Scarab for Mystic 29 Catamaran
*****NOTE: ALL MATERIAL IN THIS VIDEO ARE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES OF ITS RESPECTED OWNERS, CORPORATIONS AND ENTITIES. THIS VIDEO IS 100% NON-PROFITABLE AND IS SOLELY FOR PROMOTIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP WHATSOEVER. IF THE PRODUCER/RECORD LABEL OR IF ANYONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THIS VIDEO, PLEASE LET ME KNOW FIRST AND I WILL DELETE THE VIDEO IMMEDIATELY. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. IF YOU LIKE THE SONG(S) IN THIS VIDEO, THEN PLEASE SUPPORT THE ARTIST(S) BY BUYING THEIR MATERIAL. THANK YOU***** "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use". +++++Hello everyone, this is 702baby and this is my new account. My original account has been terminated due to copyright infringement so I'm starting anew. So please feel free to subscribe and friend me again. I have decided to re-upload most of my previous videos again, but because of the sheer number, somewhere around 3300 - 3400 videos, it's going to take awhile to re-upload my old videos, months to be exact. But hopefully I'll get it done. If you wanna check out my old videos, check out my other Youtube channel at: 702babyV1. I'll keep doing what I'm doing, and that's sharing videos <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:25
Скриншоты к видео Kaskade - Angel On My Reaver 76 (Kaskade Mashup) @ Marquee Las Vegas NYE 2012, 17 of 84, 12-31-2011
I need to ask a BIG BIG favour of all of you who are passionate about Christiania as it passes an incredible 40th year. The celebrations were amazing & it looks set to survive and really become part of Danish culture & an example to the world. I have long wanted to make a sympathetic film about the community and was lucky enough to scrape together some money to go to Denmark with my camera recently. I hope to be able to visit again at least twice in 2012 and maybe get to edit in 2013, get it voiced by somebody sympathetic like Peter Gabriel or Brian Eno to give it a big push. It's a long time scale because things cost money even when you are working as cheaply as possible things still cost money. I was able to hire a great assistant and so am doing something to create at least one job opportunity in Denmark. The bottom line is, and I do realise that this is something that you should never ask for on the internet is that I need real backers. In return I can put your name on the credits as somebody who helped out with this production. If we sell the production then it will be thanks to you and we will of course make a generous purchase of stock in the community. You can do that here too You can see my first film which cost under $10 K to make in three years and which has been shown quite a lot on local TV in the USA, though we have never received a fee for having it shown. If you liked it please visit to make a Paypal <b>...</b> Длительность: 11:26
Скриншоты к видео Amsterdam, now see the rest of this great flat country.....