SUM, ERGO COGITO!- the vlog with(out) a sense #0 ONE NIGHT IN PARIS, filmsko ostvarenje koje je odusevila milione gledalaca sirom planete, konacno u kritici! Da li je uspeh ove no-budget drame zaista opravdan, ili se iza cele produkcije krije nesto sasvim trece? Saznajte sa Svetovidom Svarozicem pravu istinu o fenomenu nazvan ONE NIGHT IN PARIS! Длительность: 12:47
Скриншоты к видео Jedna noc u Parizu - Sum, ergo cogito! #0 (serbian dub)
Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 3:26
Скриншоты к видео WEEK 6 EXTENDED CONFESSIONS Dancing With The Stars Val Kelly Monaco GH General Hospital Sam 10-30-11
You're invited to our After Party presented by AT&T! Join us this All-Star season as co-hosts Marc Istook and former Season 9 DWTS star Joanna Krupa bring you exclusive interviews live after each Monday night performance show with expert panelists, celebrity audience members and other special guests discussing the dances and events of the night. Be a part of the After Party and have your questions answered live. It's simple to join the conversation—simply send your questions and reactions by tweeting "#askDWTS" Длительность: 225:01
Скриншоты к видео LIVE Dancing with the Stars After Party
VIP S03E11 Hoehenflug Language - German VIP Season 3, Episode 11 - Val in Space (Full Episode) VIP is hired to protect playboy Dex Decker, who enjoys the perks of hero-hood after manning Porter Aerospace's rescue mission for six Russian Cosmonauts. He claims the men violently demanding he keeps his mouth shut are Russians because he stole some high-tech gizmo 'souvenir' to impress chicks. But Tasha's sexy KGB source puts them on the trace of the goons' real boss- rising space technology tycoon Billy Porter himself. Длительность: 12:59
Скриншоты к видео VIP S03E11 Val in Space (part 2/4)
#TheCrownAintSafe @SWAGGABOYLOS THIS IS PART 1 PART 2 WILL BE UP SOON....LYRICS ARE BELOW SHOUTS OUT TO BOARDROOMBOSTON FOR LETTING ME DO THIS FOOTAGE GO TO HIS CHANNEL FOR THE ORIGINAL VIDEO!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yo, ye uh yo check it out check it out check it out the fly cameras, you can share the circle wit me, diameter ok, die pamela, anderson, and its him, me, like mr. anderson, morpheus, the story is of course i flow like any category is matter fact, im a the-saur-rius(thesaurus) a thesaurus, dinosaur he is, thats all he ever say because the flow is kinda...(enormius?) nah its like vagina cuz if the vaginas enormius(enormous) i dont know who gloria is but if im fuckin wit it, and she fuckin wit me im fuck wit chu, you could fuck her wit me i mean you look like bobby so i mean if you fuckin wit me its like we fuckin whitney nah you said youd be goin for the poo so bring bobby and we fuckin winnie are you fuckin wit me? slow this shit down slow this shit down i jus came to throw this shit down throw thit shit down, hold up flow this shit down see it in my mind write it i kno this shit now i aint even gotta write it its the tightest back it up like i got arthritis nobody could ever collide with this this is, this is a unicycle no bars do it like you never did it before when you do it i go crazier niggas can not stop me cuz my flow is like the glacier that sunk the titanic why panic when i get ended emcees get why, why <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:15