Dick Hickey performing during "A X'mas Explosion" at the Token Lounge on 12/14/12. Filmed by Ian Pfister & Pamela Anderson. Edited by Ian Pfister for Welcome to this World Video Productions. www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Nick Hickey - Guitar and Vocals Papa Ian - Bass and back ups Cerebral Paully - Drums Discography: Creme Of Jesus - 2008 26 Cents EP - 2011 Check out our label www.myspace.com/kittyonfirerecords for FREE downloads of our first album and many more! Длительность: 2:56
Скриншоты к видео Dick Hickey - From Here & Vegetarians Suck - A X'mas Explosion 2012
For more videos, pls go to www.youtube.com Here's the link to subscribe for updates: bit.ly Click on the link below to watch Kelly's Other Videos & Dances www.youtube.com DWTS Dance Dancing With The All Stars Season 15 1 Spoiler Sexy Hot Steamy Promo Video Wk Week 3 Paso... Длительность: 0:28
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO VAL NY PICS GH General Hospital Sam Shawn Derek Melissa Dancing With Stars View 12-3-12
Pls subscribe to www.youtube.com Vote online from any country using this link: bit.ly Link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: on.fb.me (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo mail, Hotmail,... Длительность: 4:03
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO VAL WK 9 INTERVIEW Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam McCall DWTS 11-20-12
Pls subscribe to www.youtube.com Vote online from any country using this link: bit.ly Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: on.fb.me (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 9:54
No copyright infrigement intended, just a fan video This is my favorite dance of each All Star, I hope you agree, thanks 4 watching Длительность: 21:16
Скриншоты к видео DWTS Best performance of each All star
Actor Sacha Baron Cohen has appeared at a press conference at the Waldorf Astoria in character as Admiral General Shabazz Aladeen, the lead star of the new parody film "The Dictator." Dressed in a style similar to that of former Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi, Cohen's fictional dictator took questions from the New York media including to confirm rumors that Admiral General Aladeen had been banned from British television for a variety of offenses. 'The Dictator' opens in cinemas this month and follows on from Cohen's previous smash hit 'Borat' about a Kazakh journalist who travels through America seeking romance with Baywatch star Pamela Anderson which generated over $250m in box office receipts Cohen as Admiral General Shabazz Aladeen: "Good afternoon. Welcome devils of the Zionist media and death to the West! Today I wish to highlight the plight of a terribly endangered group, the innocent victims of a global human tragedy, dictators... Oh yes, it is true. The BBC has issued sanctions against me. They have banned me from all the BBC channels and also the BBC radio. It's true. Look, nobody is aa bigger fan of state sponsored, sorry I have something in my mouth, don't worry it's not what you're thinking -- look, nobody is a bigger fan of the state sponsored censorship than me, but the BBC took it too far. All I wanted to do on the BBC was use their air waves to promote my anti-West, anti-Zionist platform and to quell those nasty rumors about the Holocaust. I guess no good <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:29
Скриншоты к видео The Dictator Faces New York Media at the Waldorf Astoria: Sacha Baron Cohen as Shabazz Aladeen
Celebs.com's Angela Bakke takes you through all the news you need to know in just a few minutes - Pamela Anderson's new business venture, Miranda Kerr & Candice Swanepoel's interview, Jennifer Lawrence and all the Hunger Games craziness, Mirror Mirror's Lily Collins and Ashton Kutcher's casting as Steve Jobs??!! For more news, interviews and images of your favorite personalities, visit us at www.celebs.com, but in the meantime, take a few minutes to catch up on the latest by watching this vid. Длительность: 3:56
Скриншоты к видео Jennifer Lawrence, Miranda Kerr, Pamela Anderson - All in Celebs.com's 2 Minute Snippet
Nick San Pedro was born in Las Vegas, NV on November 15, 1978 to a Cuban-Chinese father, and a Spanish-French mother. As a young child, San Pedro immersed himself in art, spending most of his time drawing. People quickly grew fond of the young artist's creations. San Pedro was surrounded by all types of music and live stage shows, being raised in Las Vegas. The artist's father was friends with Siegfried and Roy, which led to Nick having many opportunities to share his works with them throughout his adolescence. Roy was especially encouraging, and his acknowledgment of San Pedro's talent was all the artist needed to believe that his artwork was truly magical. San Pedro's love for music and performance led to the creation of many works of art that would eventually gain attention from musicians coming to perform in the entertainment capitol of the world. In 2002, while attending college, San Pedro was commissioned to produce artwork for 'NBC's Last Call with Carson Daly'. The following year, The artist was hired to paint eight musicians, including Madonna, for the 45th Annual Grammy Awards Pre-Party. After debuting his artwork in New York City in the prestigious Rainbow Room, San Pedro went on to share many of his paintings with numerous people in the entertainment industry, including: Christina Aguilera, Nelly Furtado, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Elton John, Celine Dion, Carole King, Stevie Nicks, Steven Spielberg, Gwen Stefani, Pink, Carey Hart, Siegfried & Roy, Jerry <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:00
CLICK HERE FOR HAIRCUT DETAILS & MORE PICS: www.kandeej.com MY FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com MY TWITTER: www.twitter.com My personal BLOGGY: www.kandeeland.com My other youtube channel www.youtube.com Here's the BEFORE and AFTER, or should I say BEFORE and "BLONDER" of my mom's hair. She went from dark brown (her natural hair color), to blonde! She's never had lighter hair in her life, and she loves being blonde, now! ha ha My friend, Kim Vo, said he would love to "blonde" her hair and told us to come to his salon in Beverly Hills. He lightened her hair from dark brown, to blonde without making her head sting, burn or blister! Vogue magazine called him, "the best blonder in the business"- for a reason. And he's the official "Barbie Blonder"! He works on celebs like Britney Spears, Katherine Heigl, Kate Hudson and Pamela Anderson,to get them to their amazing "Hollywood Blonde"! He bleached and highlighted her hair. Told her not wash it or anything for 36 hours, so the cuticle of the hair could recover from the lightening. Then we wanted to cut, just like how they cut Katherine Heigl's hair after he had lightened it and they cut it for her ELLE magazine cover. Go to my blog: www.kandeej.com, to see the picture. Hope you loved this "Hair before and after"! Here's the link to Kim Vo's Salons www.kimvo.com He has several, but we went to the Beverly Hills Salon, in the Montage Beverly Hills Hotel! fancy pants! huge hugs, your favorite kandee johnson Длительность: 5:53
Скриншоты к видео Dark Hair to Blonde Hair Make-Over