Dick Hickey performing during "A X'mas Explosion" at the Token Lounge on 12/14/12. Filmed by Ian Pfister & Pamela Anderson. Edited by Ian Pfister for Welcome to this World Video Productions. www.facebook.com www.facebook.com Nick Hickey - Guitar and Vocals Papa Ian - Bass and back ups Cerebral Paully - Drums Discography: Creme Of Jesus - 2008 26 Cents EP - 2011 Check out our label www.myspace.com/kittyonfirerecords for FREE downloads of our first album and many more! Длительность: 2:56
Скриншоты к видео Dick Hickey - From Here & Vegetarians Suck - A X'mas Explosion 2012
Pls subscribe to www.youtube.com Vote online from any country using this link: bit.ly Link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: on.fb.me (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo mail, Hotmail,... Длительность: 3:30
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO VAL #1 INTERVIEW Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS Promo 11-27-12
Me an' Wheezer hate rap songs so we wrote one about somethin' we love an' we hope you enjoy it. We wanna dedicate this song to Canada, the greatest country in the world. Длительность: 2:54
Скриншоты к видео O Canada (The New Version) by The Canadian Beaver Band
I am now an official Director for the AlbuzSports which is part of the Albuz Network AlBuzSports: www.youtube.com ---- STAY CONNECTED WITH ALBUZTV ---- Twitter: www.twitter.com Watermark:www.gamefront.com Intro: Currently Being Made (Link will be here when Updated) How to Become a Director: If you want to become a director it really couldn't be much simpler :)] 1) Send in your videos with out watermark 2) If we like it we will Upload it to the correct Hub Channel 3) Once Uploaded you are a Official Albuz Director Connect With Albuz AlbuzTV: www.youtube.com AlbuzSports: www.youtube.com AlbuzGFX: www.youtube.com AlbuzCommunity: www.youtube.com Длительность: 12:38
Скриншоты к видео Collis Kony Part 2 Response - AlbuzSports
VIP S03E22 Die Geheimwaffe Language - German VIP Season 3, Episode 22 - Val's Big Bang (Full Episode) During Argentina's junta rule in 1951, two Neonazis hide the prototype of a devise meant to revive the Third Reich in a booby-trapped cave of Patagonia's extinct Diaquita tribe's lost city Camarena. They accidentally trigger it and die in the explosion. Decades later, an archaeological team digging there hires Nikki as explosives expert, with VIP to protect the treasures. Ukrainian general Koyla Trofimov is on the trail of the 'hyper-dimensional' device. Tasha and Quick stay home to install Kay's stater of the art security system for composer 'Weird Al' Yankovic, but Val accidentally took the control device with her. Длительность: 11:50
Скриншоты к видео VIP S03E22 Val's Big Bang (part 2/4)
Members of RFU staff donned Baywatch gear to get ready for the beach-themed Emirates Airline London Sevens at Twickenham Stadium on May 21/22. Lifesaving on the Twickenham pitch is a serious business, so cue ice-stares, hair-swishes and multiple pouts. Длительность: 1:58
Alright, so here's the scoop. I was playing Minecraft near religiously. I was a regular on The Shaft podcast's Minecraft Server. I had recreated the first level of Duke Nukem 3D in their server, and was about to create a video proving I had done so when the server crashed and rolled back to days before I had even started it. It took me over 20 hours to create that beast, so I was pretty damn upset. Upset to the point of not ever playing Minecraft again for the next six months. Finally, I decided to remake this beast (Single player, this time in order to remove the threat of a rollback) and I admittedly did use some mods to make the process easier, but I feel I've earned it, what with having to build this massive project twice over. So please, enjoy the video showcasing it. Keep in mind, I didn't bother showing the secrets in the video (All of the ones from the game are here with even more subtle references and bonus secrets) So if you'd like to try the map yourself, give it a download at the link below and drop it in your Minecraft Saves folder! Download: www.mediafire.com Длительность: 2:32
Скриншоты к видео First Level of Duke Nukem 3D in Minecraft
Телеканал MTV Россия представляет новую программу «Кто круче»! На один ринг выйдут звезды, которые явно что-то не поделили и претендуют на собственную исключительность. Новая программа телеканала MTV Россия «Кто круче» на глазах у телезрителей сравнит знаменитостей и вынесет свой вердикт. Победит, как водится, сильнейший и умнейший. Или просто тот, кому больше повезло. Длительность: 9:34
Скриншоты к видео «Кто круче?»: Анна Семенович vs. Памела Андерсон