Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo mail, Hotmail,... Длительность: 3:30
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO VAL #1 INTERVIEW Dancing With The Stars GH General Hospital Sam DWTS Promo 11-27-12
Celebrities, tattoos. First doesn't go without the other and I don't talk about rap stars, athletes or ... I'm talking about women celebrities . Some people say it's sexy, some call it unnecessary,stupid but tattooing offers many women control over their own bodies. They demand respect, admiration? Some have used the tattoo to challenge the limited roles of wife and mother and to explore other ways to define themselves.KIM KARDASHIAN ,RIHANNA,ANGELINA JOLIE,PINK,MEGAN FOX,BRITNEY SPEARS,PAMELA ANDERSON,ASHLEY SIMPSON,JANET JACKSON etc Длительность: 1:36
Скриншоты к видео Most Interesting Celebrity Tattoos
! LET OP - DIT IS EEN INTERACTIEVE SHOW (via mobiel en tablet kunnen de interactieve elementen niet goed werken) ! Voor de eerste aflevering heeft Gillie zijn bus geparkeerd in Hoofddorp. De temperaturen lopen hoog op, want het gaat in deze aflevering om het sekssymbool van de jaren '90, Pamela Anderson. Check nu of deze babe op leeftijd nog "Flexi" is en er dus mee door kan. Check ook de website: Длительность: 3:57
Скриншоты к видео Flexi-Stiff Show Afl. 1 - Pamela Anderson
No Bombs! Only Blondes! Anyone wanting an mp3 version of this: Videos Used: Free Hugs: African Kids: Длительность: 3:09
VIP Season 1, Episode 5: Scents and Sensibility Original Air Date - 24 October 1998 Cosmetics and perfume firm Bioglam hires VIP to protect it against industrial espionage. A sample of the revolutionary pheromone product Kizmet has just been stolen during a break-in. Top priority however is the inventor, lab genius Ken Miller. He secretly tests it illegally, and is hence irresistible to most females. However his former lab prot Длительность: 44:18
Скриншоты к видео VIP S01E05 Scents and Sensibility (Full Episode)
I had alot of fun writing this song, its basically just about all the decisions and choices people can have but may or may not choose. i hope you like it :) scottyokochurchill. ADD.COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE Facebook - /RetroGGrade Twitter - @SacOnee Длительность: 2:45
Скриншоты к видео Scott Churchill - Wanna Be' (Acoustic)
(Sacramento) -- Assemblymember Henry T. Perea (D-Fresno) has introduced Assembly Bill 1424 which, if signed into law, will provide the Franchise Tax Board more tools that it needs to collect funds from delinquent taxpayers. Every year, the State Franchise Tax Board puts together a list of the Top 250 taxpayers with state income tax liens who owe more than $100000. Those currently on the Top 250 list owe a combined $180 million to the state. "The people on this list all owe the state $100000 or more and they continue to buy their vacation homes and expensive cars," Assemblymember Perea said. "If the debtors on the Top 250 List all paid what they owe today, the state could use those funds to restore Adult Day Health Care and provide services to the 31000 Senior Citizens in our state." Here's more from Assemblymember Perea in this Assembly Access video. Длительность: 0:59
Скриншоты к видео Perea Legislation Will Hold Delinquent Taxpayers Accountable (VIDEO)