Pls subscribe to Vote online from any country using this link: Here's the link to vote for Kelly on Facebook: (Sign up for multiple usernames / accounts using different email addresses to increase your total number of votes. Get free email accounts at Yahoo... Длительность: 0:28
Скриншоты к видео KELLY MONACO WEEK 9 REHEARSAL PICS Dancing With The Stars Val GH General Hospital Sam Promo 11-19-12
We know, we know, you're getting sick of videos like this. However...this one is too hilarious to pass up considering Kristen is the victim. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO US! Длительность: 13:12
For Stereo video please use this link Best with headphones for full effect UPDATE: The April album download is now only $2.79 USD 1.88 GBP 2.20 EUR If you like this sound the album is really worth buying for such a low price! effects69... Длительность: 3:52
Скриншоты к видео One More Day - Music Video - effects69's Vast Cover
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries kept their marriage short, but stars like Rennee Zellweger, Pamela Anderson and Jennifer Lopez have also had short marriages. Splash is the leading independent entertainment news and picture agency in America. Splash brings the hottest, most up-to-date Hollywood stories and photos to millions of people round the world through their favourite newspapers, magazines and TV station. We don't deal in gossip. We deal in fact. We have been credited with announcing some of the most memorable and controversial show biz stories to come out of Los Angeles in recent years. We cover the good, the bad and the very ugly. Find out more @: Follow us @: Длительность: 1:41
Скриншоты к видео Shortest Celebrity Marriages - Splash News
Borat Sagdiyev, ein kasachischer Fernsehreporter und Zigeunerhasser mit offen antisemitischer und frauenfeindlicher Grundhaltung, wird vom Innenministerium Kasachstans beauftragt, in die USA zu reisen, um die dortigen Gebr Длительность: 1:33
No Bombs! Only Blondes! Anyone wanting an mp3 version of this: Videos Used: Free Hugs: African Kids: Длительность: 3:09
Goat market at Sonepur mela Goats for sale from the goat corral at Bihar's Sonepur Mela. They all have coloured markings on their coats, to make recognizing them easier... Also watch a man help a young goat suckle milk from its mother's udders. The man squeezes the teats to help the kid drink milk from its mother's udder. Goats are also on sale in Sonepur Mela. The Sonepur Cattle Fair or Harihar Kshetra Mela is held on the full moon day (Purnima) of the Hindu lunar month of Karthik in Sonepur, in the Saran district in the northern part of Bihar. The Mela held on the banks of river Ganga most particularly on the confluence of the Ganga and Gandak. Tilldate, it is the biggest cattle fair of Asia. The fair continues for about fifteen days to one month. According to local folklore Sonepur Cattle Fair revives the Gajendra moksha legend which is related to the Hariharanatha Temple in Sonepur. This mela is the biggest cattle fair in India. The Sonepur Fair is the only one where such a large number of birds are sold. A wide variety of animals and dogs are also brought to the fair for sale.Asia's largest animal fair takes place in Sonepur, In the northern Indian state of Bihar. Sonepur mela is held in the place called Sonepur which is in Saran district of Northern Bihar. Sonepur is approximately 35 Kms from Patna. Sonepur Mela is the biggest and most interesting cattle fair in India. Visitors can simply browse through the many market stalls or enjoy traditional dancing, carnival <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:10
Скриншоты к видео Kid drinking from mother goat's udders...
VIP Season 1, Episode 5: Scents and Sensibility Original Air Date - 24 October 1998 Cosmetics and perfume firm Bioglam hires VIP to protect it against industrial espionage. A sample of the revolutionary pheromone product Kizmet has just been stolen during a break-in. Top priority however is the inventor, lab genius Ken Miller. He secretly tests it illegally, and is hence irresistible to most females. However his former lab prot Длительность: 44:18
Скриншоты к видео VIP S01E05 Scents and Sensibility (Full Episode)