CARJAM TV Car Show -- Subscribe For The Best + Rarest Car Videos Facebook: Website: Radio Twitter: Youtube: PETA is known for its aggressive media campaigns, combined with a solid base of celebrity support—Pamela Anderson, Drew Barrymore, Alec Baldwin, John Gielgud, Bill Maher, Stella McCartney, and Alicia Silverstone have all appeared in PETA ads.[12] Every week, Newkirk holds what The New Yorker calls a war council, with two dozen of her top strategists gathered round a square table in the PETA conference room, no suggestion considered too outrageous.[12] PETA also gives a yearly prize, called the Proggy Award (for "progress"), to individuals or organizations dedicated to animal welfare or who distinguish themselves through their efforts within the area of animal welfare. Elisabetta Canalis (Italian pronunciation: [eliza Длительность: 1:07
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Israel vaserman band Say What You Want Before you say it's all over Stay with me for a bit, bit longer I don't know what to say Is there any different, different kind of way To make you feel, feel better Yes, tomorrow is another day If this song is not enough I'll write you more, yes many more, my love Just stick with me, one day we'll be free And you'll see, yes you will see that it's so real what we want to be And you can say what Yes, you can say what you want And you can say what Yes, you can say what you want Drop everything on the run And track the wind to the sun That shines, shines for us Like it always does All the wars would come and go What tomorrow brings, I don't know Baby all I know, that I love you so And you can say... Длительность: 3:47
Скриншоты к видео Israel vaserman band -Say what you want