00:00 Introduction of panel 01:00 Google Engineering Director for Hangouts chee chew takes your live questions 01:24 New moderation/abuse controls and other features for Hangouts 06:00 Allen Firstenberg asks if the new verification system will be a barrier to entry for new users 08:26 The new hangout sound effects were a 20% project and they were surprised at the number women who love using the mustaches in hangouts! 10:15 Margie Hearron asks about some of the geographic filtering 11:47 Craig Shipp asks about the differences between regular and "On Air" hangouts. 15:27 Craig asks how many times someone can get blocked before they trigger a flag. 16:46 Domingo Rogers asks about improved abilities to have a "queue" of people screened before entering a hangout. 18:11 George Kozi suggests YouTube and/or Google+ could improve the discovery of hangouts. What about lists by topic? 20:55 M Monica asks why people who block a number of abusive people in a hangout are themselves kicked out of the hangout. 25:00 Moritz Tolxdorff says his feedback in help forums shows that moderation controls seem to be working well. 27:16 Moritz suggests that people should get a better reason if they have been blocked or banned from hangouts. 28:16 Pam Adger wants animated avatars for folks who don't want to go on camera. 32:00 Sheila B. DuBois is dubious about starting a public hangout but doesn't mind joining one. 36:35 Sarah Hill tells us about how she began pioneering the use of hangouts in <b>...</b> Длительность: 144:12
Скриншоты к видео Google Plus Week w/ Chee Chew 9/21/2012
The rootstalk perfoming memoirasa acoustic live at Switchblade anniversary / block party Malaysian reggae community , one love reggae kl festival showcase. kurt on percussion always said "i love justin bieber ... just let it be.. Длительность: 4:57
Скриншоты к видео the rootstalk - Memoirasta (acoustic version) Live
Israel vaserman band Say What You Want Before you say it's all over Stay with me for a bit, bit longer I don't know what to say Is there any different, different kind of way To make you feel, feel better Yes, tomorrow is another day If this song is not enough I'll write you more, yes many more, my love Just stick with me, one day we'll be free And you'll see, yes you will see that it's so real what we want to be And you can say what Yes, you can say what you want And you can say what Yes, you can say what you want Drop everything on the run And track the wind to the sun That shines, shines for us Like it always does All the wars would come and go What tomorrow brings, I don't know Baby all I know, that I love you so And you can say... Длительность: 3:47
Скриншоты к видео Israel vaserman band -Say what you want
Pamela Anderson, seorang aktris Amerika yang aktif di PETA, tiba di Israel minggu ini untuk pekerjaan model. PETA adalah sebuah organisasi yang mendukung hak-hak binatang. Anderson memanfaatkan kesempatan di Israel ini untuk mempromosikan hukum baru yang menentang pembuatan dan impor bulu binatang. Ia bertemu dengan para wartawan disebuah restoran vegetarian, bersama perwakilan dari PETA. [Pamela Anderson, Aktris dan Aktivis Hak Asasi Binatang]: "Saya ingin berkata 'Kau tak seharusnya membunuh' termasuk binatang. Terima kasih atas kedatangan anda." Anggota Knesset Ronit Tirosh, juga hadir di pertemuan tersebut. Ia menyatakan, salah satu isu pentingnya adalah komunitas ortodoks Yahudi di Israel, yang menggunakan bulu binatang untuk mendekor topi pria, Shtreimel. [Ronit Tirosh, Anggota Knesset Israel]: "Saya berusaha keras mempromosikan RUU ini. Akan makan waktu karena mereka ortodoks." Setelah konferensi pers, mereka berikrar bersama. [Dan Mathew & Pamela Anderson]: '"Mari bersulang! Tanpa bulu binatang lagi!" Israel akan menjadi negara pertama yang membawa hukum ini ke parlemen, dan para pecinta binatang di Israel berharap, kunjungan Anderson ini akan berarti banyak. Длительность: 1:08
Скриншоты к видео Pamela Anderson Promosi RUU Anti Bulu Binatang
DeTomaso reveals their latest car, a crossover SUV, prior to its public debut at the Geneva Auto Show next week. Does it's design stand up to the legendary Pantera? Also, a drunk driving girl makes a fool out of herself for jumping out of a moving car, and a new electric Smart: The FourSpeed Roadster. Fast Lane Daily hosted by Derek DeAngelis Длительность: 5:01
Скриншоты к видео DeTomaso SLC Revealed, Idiot Girl Drunk Driving, New Smart ForSpeed Concept for Geneva
Massive House Mix techno , trance, progressive, house, dance , drum, europa, dj tiesto, armin van buren, lord of the trance, tekno, beat, fantastic, arabesque trance, oriental trance,techno, greece,rave, club, disco, nostalgic trance , old school trance, new trance , girls, fantastic techno,... Длительность: 10:05